Replacing the Wire Library—Sometimes

The featured picture of this blog post is by user18526052 on Freepik.

The Wire library is the one that connects your Arduino to sensors and actuators that communicate using the I2C protocol. Unfortunately, this library has a lot of shortcomings, and often you want to replace it with a different I2C library. Replacing the Wire library on a per-sketch basis turns out to be more complicated than one would expect. In this blog post, I describe an easy way to accomplish that.

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Debugging 2.0

The featured image of this blog post is based on vector graphics by captainvector at 123RF.

What keeps people from using a debugger? Well, it is mostly that one has initial costs in terms of setting up the debugging environment and of learning how to use the debugging tool. Hopefully, the next iteration of my hardware debugging tool dw-link, which is able to debug classic ATtinys and ATmegaX8s, will somewhat ease that burden, in particular, because you can buy the accompanying hardware now at Tindie.

I sell on Tindie

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